Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sensational Youth at Bakat 2010 - 11/4/2010

About 2 thousand students turned up for the sensational Bakat at Yayasan Sabah. on 11/4/2010. Thank to rtn George Ngui and all the School teacher volunteers the competition was done well. Not enough seat for the audiences , some had to sit along half of the staircase. The spirit was very high with all the shout and screaming of cheer for their school teams. SMK Maktab Sabah emerged champion for both categories in group dance and singing. Thank to the support from the Rotarians and the RCKK band. The Rela personel did well in controlling the excited crowd. Overall the Bakat was well done....

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bakat rehearsal on 10/4/2010 at Yayasan Sabah.

Rtn Spouse Laura and Doctor access the situations
Teachers and students all were very dedicated to the rehearsal and so with the director in charge George Ngui and the wife team. All the security procedures had been checked such as the 10 relas and a doctor will be stationed and stand by tomorrow.

Dedicated Teachers.....